
About Theodore Kontorigas

Theodore Kontorigas Lighting Design is a professional architectural lighting design consultancy that uses light to enhance the experience of the visual environment. Since 2001, the practise has continually created unique and successful lighting design solutions for projects of all sizes including city hotels, resorts, shopping centres, museums, heritage, offices, restaurants, landscape and private residences in Greece, Cyprus and abroad. Our work brings together the art and science of perception-oriented lighting design and is directed at the human being and his needs. Our professional team strives to create comfortable, yet inspiring environments where light is integral to architecture and responds efficiently to user needs, functional and technical requirements, energy savings and aesthetics. Working closely with architects, interior and landscape designers, construction companies as well as with end-users such as developers, art institutions, hotel chains and public authorities, we use light to reveal architectural form, shape and structure. We offer expertise, innovation and experience with a proven ability to deliver unique solutions and to implement the best possible lighting scheme for our clients in terms of aesthetics, function, flexibility, maintenance and cost. Founder and design director Theodore D. Kontorigas BSc MBA MSc brings over 20 years of lighting experience to the team. He studied architectural light and lighting at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL in London. Subsequently, he was employed by the award winning lighting design practise Maurice Brill Lighting Design (MBLD) in London, where he gained significant professional experience and had the chance to work closely with leading international architects. Theodore regularly lectures at universities, trade fairs and professional conferences about the art and science of lighting design in the built environment. He is an active member of PLDA (Professional Lighting Designers Association) and of the Society of Light & Lighting (CIBSE) in UK.
Latest Posts | By Theodore Kontorigas
Designing Hotel Lighting: A step by step description of an architectural lighting design study
6 years ago

Designing Hotel Lighting: A step by step description of an architectural lighting design study

The contemporary hotel, within a world of globalized tourism industry, is expected to evolve rapidly, from its traditional role of simply providing hospitality to a dynamic and complex combination …
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